APC will be at RightsCon Tunis, the first RightsCon summit hosted in the Middle East and North Africa, where more than 2,500 expert practitioners will come together across over 400 sessions to shape, contribute to, and drive forward the global agenda for the future of human rights in the digital age.
APC will join RightsCon to promote conversations on a range of issues, including:
Promoting a human rights-based approach to cybersecurity.
New perspectives in relation to access from a holistic approach, in particular, by sharing evidence on the value and potential of community networks to bring about change in people’s lives, including the reinforcing of the exercise of human rights in the framework of digital inclusion.
The intersection of freedom of expression and freedom of religion in the online space and networking with organisations working on those issues, particularly in Asia.
A feminist internet, offering a gender and sexual rights lens on critical internet-related rights.
The various ways in which the space for civil society is shrinking nationally, regionally and globally and exchanging views with other groups towards identifying key strategies to strengthen civil society organisations as a key actor in the internet policy and governance ecosystem.
Restrictions and violations of rights in the online space and attacks on and/or persecution of activists and experts working for reinforcing rights online.
We made things easier for you, so you don't miss any of our sessions: download the iCalendar here!
And we will have a booth throughout the duration of RightsCon, so come visit us!
Events and sessions where you will find APC and its members
10 June
18:30 to 22:00: Pre-event Disco-tech on internet shutdowns in Africa, organised by APC, Hivos/Digital Defenders Partnership, Columbia Global Freedom of Expression and Columbia Global Centers | Tunis
12 June
9:00-10:15: Cloudy with a chance of cybernorms?, organised by Global Partners Digital (APC speaking)
9:00-10:15: The big dataset in the sky: Challenging geographies of discrimination, organised by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Derechos Digitales speaking)
10:30-11:45: (Lightning talk) Fighting Fake News with Media and Information Literacy, organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation
10:30-11:45: Terrorist online content regulations in Europe and beyond: Changing the platform liability paradigm?, organised by Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law (Social Media Exchange speaking)
10:30-11:45: Making Regulatory Waves: A Discussion on the Need for Collaborative Spectrum Management Policy Development, organised by ARTICLE 19 (APC speaking)
12:00-13:00: Women’s right to artistic freedom of expression in the digital age, organised by Freemuse (APC speaking)
12:00-13:00: Let's Get Playin': A demo of SMEX's board game on online mobile safety, organised by Social Media Exchange
12:00-13:00: Stability and Security in Cyberspace and Human Rights: Friends or Foes? An Interactive Dialogue with the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, organised by APC and The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (APC moderating, Derechos Digitales speaking)
13:00-14:00: (Lightning talk) Barricades to Justice, organised by Media Matters for Democracy
13:00-14:00: Data Futurism: On Afrofuturism, Grassroots Technology, and Leaving Evidence, organised by Free Figure Revolution (Media Matters for Democracy speaking)
14:15-15:30: Strategic Litigation against Network Shutdowns: Successes and Challenges, organised by Media Matters for Democracy
15:45-17:00: Network Disruptions in Times of Conflict: Strategies for Circumvention and Resistance, organised by Social Media Exchange
15:45-17:00: Hacking hackathons with a feminist perspective, organised by Cooperativa Sulá Batsú
15:45-17:00: How tech firms enable human rights violations in Palestine, organised by Defense for Children International - Palestine and Center for Constitutional Rights (7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media speaking)
15:45 -17:00: Cyber Harm, Let's Avoid It: Building Cybersecurity Capacity that Protects Human Rights, organised by Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre - University of Oxford (Media Matters for Democracy speaking)
17:15-18:30: Climate change under construction: An environmentally sustainable Internet, organised by Pangea and UPC
13 June
9:00-10:15: Antitrust, consumer protection, and the digital economy, organised by Public Knowledge, VMCA (Derechos Digitales speaking)
9:00-10:15: The Palestinian Cause for Digital Freedom, organised by 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media
9:00-10:15: Queering the Resistance: Movement Building across Digital Terrain, organised by Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (Point of View speaking)
9:00-10:15: Developing a digital rights model law for Africa, organised by University of Pretoria Centre for Human Rights (KICTANet speaking)
9:00-10:15: A multistakeholder dialogue on internet platforms, sexual content, and child protection, organised by Prostasia Foundation (APC speaking)
10:30-11:45: Balancing Data Protection and Access to Information: Internet RTBF case, organised by Open Net Korea, Korea University (Derechos Digitales speaking)
13:00-14:00: Intersection of technology, internet and sexuality across gender and minority rights in Uganda, organised by Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET)
14:15-15:30: Shaping Multilaterals: How civil society can influence and participate in multilateral processes such as the UN or the WTO, organised by APC and Public Knowledge
14:15-15:30: Crossing the Border in the Cloud: A Latin American perspective on lawful access laws, organised by Derechos Digitales and Electronic Frontier Foundation
15:45-18.00 The Imprisonment of Ola Bini: Building solidarity and protecting the community, co-organised by APC
15:45-17:00: (Lightning talk) Tech, surveillance and racism: The story of Operación Huracán, organised by Derechos Digitales
15:45-17:00: Rethinking the Talent Pipeline: Preparing tomorrow’s tech and AI leaders to innovate ethically, organised by Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society - Harvard University (Social Media Exchange speaking)
15:45-17:00: The Benevolent Accomplices of Authoritarian Regimes on the Internet, organised by Internet Governance Project - Georgia Institute of Technology
15:45-17:00: Lightning Talks: Fighting censorship, surveillance, and disinformation around the globe, organised by Electronic Frontier Foundation (Derechos Digitales speaking)
15:45-17:00: From Brazil to Africa, fighting for human rights and open infrastructures in the global South, organised by Internet Without Borders (APC speaking)
15:45-17:00: Defining Meaningful Access: A Rights-Based Approach to Connectivity, organised by A4AI (APC speaking)
17:15-18:30: Between the Silicon Valley-China spectrum: Towards a democratic regulation to promote a free and open Internet, organised by Intervozes
17:15-18:30: The global fight for digital privacy in the face of authoritarianism and surveillance capitalism, organised by Library Freedom Project, Tor Project, Hivos, Derechos Digitales and Freedom of the Press
17:15-18:30: Business and Human Rights in Africa and South Asia: Network shutdown and data disclosure requests under conflicting legal frameworks, organised by University of St. Gallen and Digital Empowerment Foundation (APC moderating)
17:15-18:30: Chill Out: Defining sustainable long term strategies for digital security success, organised by Fundación Karisma (The Gambia YMCA,* Poncelet Ileleji speaking)
14 June
9:00-10:30: Democratising religious discourse through technology, organised by APC and Media Matters for Democracy (APC moderating, Media Matters for Democracy speaking)
9:00-10:15: (Lightning talk) Trends Monitor-Tracking down Human Bot activity over Twitter, organised by Media Matters for Democracy
9:00-10:15: Community Networks: Concept, regulations and action, organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation and Fundação Getulio Vargas - Sao Paulo School of International Relations (APC speaking)
9:00-10:15: Testing new methods for social media monitoring by civic groups in Elections, organised by Supporting Democracy Project (European Commission) and Democracy Reporting International (Social Media Exchange speaking)
10:30-11:45: Countering hate, preserving free expression, organised by Derechos Digitales
10:30-11:45: Moving Beyond the Problem: Pathways to meaningful consent online, organised by the Human Rights Big Data and Technology Project - University of Essex (APC speaking)
12:00-13:00: Causing an UPROAR! over internet freedom at the Universal Periodic Review, organised by Small Media Foundation (Rudi International speaking)
13:00-14:00: Making Tech Digestible: Adventures of digital security trainers in Sub-Saharan Africa, organised by DefendDefenders, Internews and Digital Society of Zimbabwe (Natasha Msonza speaking)
14:15-15:30: Widening the spectrum: How can radio spectrum regulation advance community networks?, organised by Public Knowledge and Mozilla Foundation (APC speaking)
14:15-15:30: Does social media deserve a sin tax? The impact of Internet service levies on human rights and sustainable development in Africa, organised by APC and Research ICT Africa - South Africa (APC speaking)
14:15-15:30: Tech Policy, AI and Investment in the GCC: A Path to Digital Development or Digital Dystopia?, organised by Social Media Exchange, CYRILLA Collaborative, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
More information on RightsCon:
RightsCon programme: https://rightscon2019.sched.com/
Live comments and insights on Twitter: #RightsCon
* In August 2020 the APC member organisation The Gambia YMCA Computer Training Centre and Digital Studio changed its name to Jokkolabs Banjul.