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The Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council to the OECD, of which APC is part, has declined to support the official communique on principles for internet policy-making, saying that it could undermine “online freedom of expression, freedom of information, the right to privacy, access to knowledge, and innovation across the world.”

On June 28-29 APC executive director Anriette Esterhuysen was in Paris at the OECD High Level Meeting on the Internet Economy representing the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council to the OECD. APC is currently a member of the CSISAC Steering Committee.

CSISAC after much deliberation decided not to endorse the OECD High Level Meeting’s Communique on Internet Policy-Making Principles stating that it could undermine “online freedom of expression, freedom of information, the right to privacy, access to knowledge, and innovation across the world.”

Read the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council press release

Read the longer statement from the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council

APC’s statement on the OECD Communique: APC expresses concern over OECD Communique on principles for internet policy-making (July 1 2011)
