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At the first WSIS+10 review event in Paris, France from February 25 – 27, 2013, APC is co-organising an event on Enhanced Cooperation with ISOC and ICC-BASIS. Last November, at the 2012 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Baku, Azerbaijan, APC co-hosted a pre-event on Internet Governance (IG) “Enhanced Cooperation: from deadlock to dialogue” and will use the opportunity of the WSIS+10 review to bring together experts in a follow-up workshop, focusing on “Reflections on what needs to be done.”

From the event programme, “The objective of this workshop is to enable frank and constructive dialogue on enhanced cooperation in Internet governance, and to provide informed input into the deliberations of the Working Group that is to be convened by the Chair of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD).”

Remote participation in WSIS+10 is enabled and participants travelling to Paris should take note of the location:
WHEN 27 February 2013 • 14.30-16.00

The dialogue has been organised by APC with its partners ICC-BASIS and Internet Society (ISOC) and will be moderated by Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director of APC. Speakers include Linda Corugedo Steneberg, Director Cooperation, DG Connect, EU Commission; Benedicto Fonseca Filho, Ambassador, Director, Department of Scientific and Technological Affairs, Ministry of External Relations, Federative Republic of Brazil; Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General Communication and Information, UNESCO; Markus Kummer, Vice President, Public Policy, The Internet Society (ISOC); Tulika Pandey, Additional Director, Technology Department of Electronics & Information Technology Electronics Niketan, Ministry of Communications & Information Government of India and Theresa Swinehart, Executive Director, Global Internet Policy, Verizon.

Download the attached flier for more information.

Enhanced Cooperation: from deadlock to dialogue. Reflections on what needs to be done