Version 2.0 of the Feminist Principles of the Internet is already out, and it is hosted on a new online platform that allows you to contribute to the collective construction of the Principles. Visit FeministInternet.org and help us shape the internet we want!
What are the Feminist Principles of the Internet?
In 2014 and 2015, more than 100 activists from women’s rights, sexual rights and internet rights movements came together to imagine a feminist internet. The Feminist Principles of the Internet were collaboratively drafted through in-depth conversations about the intersectionality of key issues from feminist perspectives. Together they comprise a living document that outlines key areas seen as critical to realise the transformative power of the internet for rights, pleasure and ending discrimination.
Why an online platform for the FPIs?
To generate a space where we can open up our imagination together
How would you imagine a feminist internet?
How can you design a feminist internet based on the Principles?
What kinds of tools or applications would you create? How do you code feminist principles into technology development? What kinds of terms of engagement, use and service would be needed?
How can the Principles be translated into policy demands and used in advocacy work at different levels with different stakeholders?
How would a feminist internet compel new analysis, ways of being and relating, both online and offline?
To engage in conversations
Use the FPIs to start discussions on emerging key issues that impact your everyday life or advocacy.
Unpack issues in each principle to explore how they relate to your context and reality,
Organise local conversations, offline and online talks, or workshops on particular thematic areas that resonate most strongly with your activism. The Principles are organised according to five thematic areas that you can delve deeper into (Access: 1, 2, 3; Movements and public participation: 4, 5, 6; Economy: 7, 8; Expression: 9, 10, 11; Agency: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17). And please let us know about it!
To enable contributions to the Principles
Register to create a user account on the platform, and add new resources, case studies, suggested readings, etc., linked to the different Principles.
Add your analysis, story, coding brief and ideas to the FeministInternet.net site, or email us at feministinternet@apcwomen.org
Do you want to translate the Principles into your local language? Let us know!
Check the events section of the site to know what is coming up.
Visit the FAQ section for more information.
Include your engagement, thinking, conversations and imagination in the development of the Principles! Why not join in the drafting of the next version of the Principles? Get in touch!
Who is behind the Principles?
The Feminist Principles of the Internet were collaboratively drafted through an iterative process by the diverse participants in the forums held in 2014 and 2015, based on the key issues raised and discussed. The Principles have continued to evolve through ongoing conversations, being informed and transformed through engagement in different spaces – at forums, in local conversations and online.
The Principles were initiated by the Association for Progressive Communications Women’s Rights Programme (APC WRP) as part of our “Imagine a Feminist Internet” open forums. APC is a global network of civil society organisations established in 1990. It intervenes on a broad range of rights, from civil and political rights to economic, social and cultural rights, as they relate to the internet and information and communication technologies. APC WRP integrates a feminist analysis and women’s and sexual rights perspectives to this work.
The Feminist Principles of the Internet interactive platform is part of APC’s project Building feminist cross-movement collaboration and action on internet and human rights in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean.
www.feministinternet.net | #imagineafeministinternet | feministinternet@apcwomen.org