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APC and the information portal about wireless projects in the LAC region (WiLAC), are organising a Forum on Internet and Society on July 24-28, 2006 in Quito, Ecuador. This is intended to promote participant involvement in considering information and communication technologies (ICTs) from the perspective of development. This forum has been conceived as a space for participation through the discussion and sharing of issues and topics relating to the information society and ICT, most relevant to Latin America and the Caribbean.

The forum’s debates will be based on the conclusions derived from the first and second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the upcoming implementation of eLAC2007, and the results of the discussion on UNESCO’s convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. The objective is to seek opportunities for collaboration between civil society organisations, academia and the corresponding governmental sectors. This will enable the configuration of inclusive information societies.

One of the workshop’s specific objectives will be to come to a standard of development based on the premise that the construction of information societies must ensure conditions for the promotion, respect and reaffirmation of human rights. Among other things, recommendations for action will be compiled keeping in mind a new vision of ICT infrastructure and access providing infrastructure mechanisms as they apply to rural indigenous and marginalised communities. This includes training for the use of these tools and the creation of content and applications that are relevant to the specific contexts.

This workshop is for all the participants and trainers in WALC2006, public policy administrators, civil society organisations, the private sector, telecommunication regulators, alternative and traditional media and academia.

Author: —- (APCNews)
Source: APCNews
Date: 07/11/2006
Location: MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay
Category: Announcements from APC
