We are pleased to announce the launch of Technological autonomy as a constellation of experiences: A guide to collective creation and development of training programmes for technical community promoters. This unique publication provides resources for the participatory implementation of training initiatives based on diverse experiences and knowledge from communities around the world. Be sure to save the date on 20 May 2021.
From practical recommendations to reflections on how to learn from and value the diversity of communities’ values and principles – our constellation – the guide offers an important contribution to people, organisations and communities that see training as crucial to promote their own communication and telecommunications processes within their territories or regions, especially for community networks.
The guide also offers examples of training experiences in different countries. To celebrate its launch, two online events, one in English and another in Spanish, will gather representatives from these experiences and those involved in the publication to share their reflections on how the guide can be useful and learnings from their own training experiences.
Read on for further details and join us in this conversation about how to build meaningful training based not only on the technology itself but also on community interests, knowledge and needs.
When will we launch the guide?
Date: Thursday, 20 May 2021
Where: Zoom platform (click here to register and get the guide by email after the event is finished)
Simultaneous streaming on the REDES AC YouTube channel
13:00 UTC - 14:30 UTC for an English conversation with:
• Peter Bloom (Rhizomatica/Mexico)
• Ritu Srivastava (Digital Empowerment Foundation/India)
• Krusheska Quirós (Redes del Pueblo/Puerto Rico)
• Risper Akinyi (Tunapanda Net/Kenya)
• Roxana Widmer-Iliescu (ITU-D Digital Inclusion/Switzerland)
• Daniela Parra, Alma Soto and Carlos Baca (co-authors)
18:00 UTC - 19:30 UTC for a Spanish conversation with:
• Lilian Chamorro (Colnodo/Colombia)
• Nicolás Pace (APC/Argentina)
• Miguel Cárdenas (Siné Comunarr/Mexico)
• Carlos Rey Moreno (APC/Spain)
• Roxana Widmer-Iliescu (ITU-D Inclusión Digital/Switzerland)
• Daniela Bello, Alejandra Carrillo and Carlos Baca (co-authors)
More information: contacto@techiocomunitario.org