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Over the past decade, states across the globe have enacted a series of digital laws to cope with the unique and evolving challenges posed by the internet. These enactments have often been reactionary and dismissive of long-established standards for rights and liberties. In Asia, this problem has been particularly exacerbated. Along with CYRILLA, APC is launching a campaign to raise awareness and foster discussions on the human rights impact of these laws.

During the campaign we will also be focusing on CYRILLA, a database of digital rights laws, cases and analyses from across the globe. The database contains resources on how these laws are implemented and their impact on human rights. It also links relevant resources to each other, allowing us to navigate between an article of legislation and the judicial decision that cited it. Here is a quick tutorial to help you navigate the database:

  • On 10 June 2020 we will be looking at broad issues surrounding digital laws in Asia and how the CYRILLA database can help in building a deeper understanding of these issues.

  • On 11 June 2019 we will be focusing on South Asia.

  • On 12 June 2020 we will focus on Southeast Asia.

More information

Follow @APC_News, @CYRILLA and the #DigitalLawsAsia hashtag to take part in the conversation and share your views on digital laws in your country.

Read Unshackling Expression, a study launched in 2017 by APC along with partners in nine Asian countries.


The CYRILLA Collaborative comprises of APC, SMEX, Derechos Digitales, the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology at Strathmore Law School (CIPIT), Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, and HURIDOCS. SMEX, the current project lead, developed the methodology used as part of APC's Unshackling Expression report.