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27 April 2023 | Updated on 27 April 2023

What is the relationship between freedom of expression and gender justice? Join our event “Freedom of Expression and Gender Justice”, where leading world experts on freedom of expression will present their work on gender justice.

Organised by APC, the UN Population Fund, UN Women and the Global Partnership for Action on Gender-Based Online Harassment and Abuse, the event will be accessible online and in person, coinciding with World Press Freedom week. It is aligned with this year’s World Press Freedom Day theme, which revolves around freedom of expression as an enabler of many other rights.

This event will help you get a better understanding of recommendations arising from the 67th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, which took place this past March. The event will also feature concrete recommendations on how to counter online gender-based violence in its intersection with freedom of expression.

We will also address the issue of gendered disinformation. Following up on last year’s priorities, we’ll focus on how disinformation particularly hurts women and gender-diverse people, and how to counter this trend.

When? Monday, 1 May, 16:30-18:00 EST.

Where? UNFPA - Orange Café 605 Third Avenue New York / Online (register here).

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