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10 December 2019 | Updated on 10 December 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now receiving unprecedented attention as it finds widespread practical application in multiple spheres of activity. But what are the human rights, social justice and development implications of AI when used in areas such as health, education and social services, or in building “smart cities”? How does algorithmic decision making impact on marginalised people and the poor? The newly launched edition of Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) provides a perspective from the global South on the application of AI to our everyday lives. 

What will you find in this edition?

40 country reports from countries as diverse as Benin, Argentina, Jamaica, India and Ukraine, as well as three regional reports (on Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean). These are framed by eight thematic reports dealing with topics such as data governance, food sovereignty, AI in the workplace, feminism and AI, and so-called “killer robots”. 

What do our authors say?

"This misuse of AI technology represents a clear danger to humanity on many fronts. Algorithms cannot as yet make perfect decisions, especially in varying warfare conditions." AI in Russia.

"In particular, female workers, who are at the bottom of the production process and are often engaged in repetitive tasks, are at the greatest risk of losing their jobs in this sector." AI in Bangladesh

"Just like the alchemists, telcos are collating precious registration data alongside other data that would have been considered useless decades ago." AI in Uganda

Would you like to know more?
  • Read more on the GISWatch website.

  • Follow us on Twitter for daily updates on @apc_news and through the #GISWatch and #AIandHumanRights hashtags.

  • Access our press kit to find out more about the authors, to see mentions of GISWatch in the press, questions and answers about the reports and other highlights. 

  • For interviews with the authors, coverage and other press inquiries, contact Leila Nachawati, APC’s media outreach lead: