Roxana Bassi
Roxana is a telecommunication engineer with 30 years of experience in the application of information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D). She connected her first modem to Fidonet 35 years ago, and since then has worked in 30 countries all over the world, including eight months redesigning the telecoms infrastructure of Afghanistan after the war. Having a generalist approach to ICTs, she has worked for several international organisations, governments and commercial enterprises. She is the author of three books and over 120 articles. At APC she coordinated the Global Information Society Watch ( until 2017, and the subgranting Programe in 2017 and 2018. One day she would like to resume her doctorate on Agents and MOOCs. Most of her writings can be accessed at
Purpose of position
The Tech team manager is a member of the leadership team and its role is to lead the development of the IT infrastructure and services needed for APC staff to work effectively and efficiently.
Contact Roxana on rox AT