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19 December 2007 | Updated on 9 February 2024
<p>Available since 2001, the <a href="">Latin American and Caribbean (<span class="caps">LAC</span>) <span class="caps">ICT</span> Policy Monitor website</a> gathers essential news and documentation about policies relating to information and communication technologies (<span class="caps">ICT</span>s). Through the website, the only one of its kind across Latin America and the Caribbean, <span class="caps">APC</span> aims to demystify internet policies and regulations.</p> <p>APC unveiled a new version of the website in 2006. The updated monitor site had a new design and structure, making it easier to search for the material that Latin American civil society needs to be able to have a greater and more effective voice in local and regional negotiations over ICT policies.</p> <p>A powerful cross referencing tool allows one to search news, policy documents, analyses of a topic, and resources of activist and specialist organisations – by both theme and by country at the same time. For the first time there was a section on national <span class="caps">ICT</span> statistics and the site included a “first steps” section for those new to the topic of <span class="caps">ICT</span> policies and activism.</p> <p>The <span class="caps">LAC</span> monitor was redesigned based upon the response from civil society organisations and other entities and individuals who regularly use the site to organise campaigns, carry out research projects, etc.</p> <p>The monitor regularly publishes a summary of the most noteworthy news and resources, (documents, analyses, legislation, projects, declarations, etc) and issues a quarterly topical newsletter on “Public Policies and Internet Rights.”</p> <p><em>The site was closed down in 2010.</em></p> <div class="image-clear">&nbsp;</div> <p>&nbsp;</p>