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GRIP hosts a list of links to major sources of disaster data such as OCHA, USGS, GDACS, WB, IFRC, GRIP observatories, NGOs, media archives and many others. GRIP features a number of disaster management services:
The Risk Informer: To support integration and generation of risk information;
The Disaster Analyst: To support the collection and analysis of disaster loss data;
The Capacity Developer: To support the strengthening of risk assessment knowledge and skills.
National Disaster Observatory: Sustainable institution for the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of disaster loss data;
National Risk Assessment: Multi-hazard assessment to have a clear idea of magnitude, distribution, characteristics, causes and possible mitigation options of current risk;
Urban Risk Assessment: Identification of the magnitude, distribution, characteristics, causes and possible mitigation options of risks faced by urban areas in a country.GRIP: Global Risk Identification ProgrammeGRIP: Global Risk Identification Programme

Areas of work