21 April 2017 | Publication Submission from Social Media Exchange and the Association for Progressive Communications to the United Nations Human Rights Committee in advance of its review of Lebanon
13 March 2017 | APC Talk Asad Baig, Media Matters for Democracy Deploying design thinking techniques to develop solutions for any given problem
31 January 2017 | News SMEX: Advancing self-regulating information societies in the Middle East and North Africa
5 December 2016 | News APC IGF 2016 - Internet Governance in the Middle East and North Africa policy brief
27 October 2016 | APC Talk Rafik Dammak “More evidence-based research is needed on internet rights in the region”: APC at the Internet Governance in the Middle East and North Africa Summit
5 October 2016 | News Leila Nachawati Rego Mohammed Maskati: "Digital security is still considered something cool and fancy and not taken seriously"
29 September 2016 | News At the Internet Governance Middle East and North Africa Summit: What is the role of civil society?
25 May 2016 | Publication Mohammad Tarakiyee Challenges to civil society participation in internet governance in the MENA region
4 June 2016 | News Kendra Moyer Attacks on social movements increase online, tech support comes to the rescue
24 May 2016 | News What is the state of digital security and digital rights advocacy in the Middle East and North Africa?
20 May 2016 | News Digital safety in context: Perspectives on digital security training and human rights realities in the Arab world