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What we work for

Human rights norms and standards integrate gender and development, and are respected and promoted in internet and ICT policy, governance, development and practice.


Our strategies

  • Conduct and disseminate rights-related research to inform policy and advocacy.

  • Engage with national, regional and global human rights mechanisms to take up internet and ICT rights-related issues (including economic, social and cultural rights).

  • Campaigning, research, advocacy and network building to counter internet surveillance and censorship by states and corporations.

  • Engage with SDG and other development processes to promote integration of internet, information and communications rights.

  • Strengthen capacity of civil society actors to identify and respond to internet-related human rights violations.

  • Engage global women’s rights mechanisms and processes to integrate internet-related issues.

  • Advocacy, capacity building and further research to integrate economic, social and cultural rights into the internet rights agenda.


Read more about our work on rights.