14 September 2021 | Publication Various Joint letter: An open, interconnected and interoperable internet
27 April 2021 | Publication Various Leave no one behind: A people-centred approach to achieve meaningful connectivity
13 July 2020 | News Media Matters for Democracy Media Matters for Democracy expresses concern over students' lack of internet access for online education
30 June 2020 | Publication Various Joint submission to the Ethiopian Communications Authority on draft telecommunications licensing regulations
16 October 2020 | News REDES A.C. in collaboration with APC Community networks and COVID-19 in the Americas region
27 April 2020 | APC Talk David Souter Inside the Digital Society: Investment priorities - 5G or not 5G?
2 April 2020 | News Bottom-up Connectivity Strategies: Why do communities decide to build their own communications networks?
12 March 2020 | Publication Ritu Srivastava, Saurabh Srivastva and Kriti Singh CNX 2019 Report: Community Networks and the Internet of People
18 October 2019 | Publication Stephen Song, Carlos Rey-Moreno and Michael Jensen Innovations in Spectrum Management: Enabling community networks and small operators to connect the unconnected