9 November 2020 | News APCNews In the midst of the pandemic, Muslims in India suffer from hate speech, physical attacks and Islamophobia
19 October 2020 | APC Talk CIPESA Tanzania tramples digital rights in fight against COVID-19 as elections loom
19 October 2020 | News EngageMedia EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: Youth and online activism at Thailand protests
15 October 2020 | Publication Various Joint submission on proposed amendments to the South African Domestic Violence Act
3 September 2020 | APC Talk 7amleh – The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media 7amleh at RightsCon: On spyware, content moderation and internet infrastructure
31 August 2020 | News Simone Toussi and Thomas Robertson CIPESA: Niger passes new law on interception of communications
31 August 2020 | News Foundation for Media Alternatives What comes next after the Terror Law? FMA convenes civil society reps to talk about the future of free speech
24 August 2020 | News Edrine Wanyama for CIPESA CIPESA: Tanzania entrenches digital rights repression amidst COVID-19 denialism and a looming election
20 August 2020 | Publication Dr Nijmeh Ali Israeli impact on Palestinian digital rights during the coronavirus pandemic
14 August 2020 | News Sara Pacia for EngageMedia EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: Communications privacy – big tech vs open source