14 May 2020 | News 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media Palestinian civil society organisations raise alarm over the selection of Emi Palmor, former General Director of the Israeli Ministry of Justice, to Facebook’s Oversight Board
7 April 2020 | News Vino Lucero for Coconet Coconet: Artificial intelligence and human rights in Southeast Asia – an overview
2 April 2020 | News 7amleh – The Arab Center for Social Media Development Palestine Digital Activism Forum challenges movement restrictions and social isolation due to corona with online conference
27 March 2020 | News Hija Kamran Digital Rights Monitor: Coronavirus crisis highlights digital divide in Pakistan
17 December 2019 | Publication Various Joint statement for the protection of digital rights defenders
6 December 2019 | APC Talk Ani Phoebe Hao for GenderIT.org Internet freedom is not enough: Cyberfeminists are fighting for a new reality
29 October 2019 | Publication APC, Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP), LaLibre.net Tecnologías Comunitarias, Taller de Comunicación Mujer Digital rights in the context of protests and social mobilisation in Ecuador in October 2019