Paulo Lima
Paulo Lima has a degree in History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He holds a Master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Natural Resources in the Amazon at the Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA) in the area of environmental sciences. He is currently one of the coordinators of the Saúde & Alegria Project in Santarém, Pará. He was a consultant to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and also specialises in the evaluation and management of social projects. He teaches a journalism course at the Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior (IESPES) in Santarém.
Paulo has experience in the area of history, rural sociology, environmental sciences and social communication, working mainly on the following themes: traditional communities, the Amazon, information society, alternative communication, history, civil society and social movements. He is a member of the Tapajós Historical and Geographic Institute (IHGTap) and participated in councils of Brazilian and international civil society organisations, and has published articles and contributions in the fields of his work.