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Our vision

Our vision is for people to use and shape the internet and digital technologies to create a just and sustainable world, leading to greater care for ourselves, each other and the earth.

Our mission

Our mission is to create a just and sustainable world by harnessing the collective power of activists, organisations, excluded groups, communities and social movements, to challenge existing power structures and ensure that the internet is developed and governed as a global public good.

Our values

Our organisational values are the beliefs and principles that guide all programme design, implementation and interventions of APC. They are shared by the staff and members and are strongly embedded culturally and operationally within our network They help define how we aspire to build and maintain relationships with the people and organisations we engage with internally and externally.

Because we believe that the internet is a public resource and we are committed to promoting alternative infrastructure and economic models that contribute to the public commons, we value: 

  • Local initiative and ownership

  • Open content, open standards and free/libre and open source software (FLOSS)

  • Technology solutions that are appropriate and affordable.

Because we believe in the collective power of networks and movements, we value: 

  • Collaboration and partnership

  • Creativity, innovation and strengthening of each other that comes from sharing and deepening our collective intelligence

  • Shared leadership

  • Local and distributed action

  • Linking theory and practice.

Because we believe in the importance of understanding and critiquing structures and systems of oppression from a feminist and human rights perspective, we value:

  • Intersectionality as a lens that we apply across everything we do

  • Freedom of expression, including the expression of one’s sexual and gender identities

  • Inclusiveness and diversity

  • Social equality

  • Democratic, accountable and transparent governance.

Because we believe that the sustainability of ourselves, each other and the earth are necessary ingredients in creating the world we want, we value:

  • Socially and environmentally sustainable approaches and actions

  • Contributing to the creation of sustainable systems, approaches and practices

  • Practising self and collective care.