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Coinciding with World Environment Day EngageMedia is launching a curated compilation of videos that deal with climate change issues from an Asia-Pacific perspective.

Time for Reel Action (T4RA) is a video compilation of climate change stories that explores the impacts, the action and climate solutions emerging from the region.

The T4RA program is developing strategic partnerships with groups focused on climate change issues to both integrate video into their online strategies and to further support the aims of their campaigns.

“There are thousands of urgent climate stories in the Asia-Pacific, Time for Reel Action harnesses the potential of video and the web to amplify these stories and their demands for action,” said Andrew Lowenthal, General Manager, EngageMedia.

“Time for Reel Action reveals deeply personal concerns amongst film-makers across the Asia-Pacific Region, from the people of Sungai Utik in Kalimantan, struggling to maintain their farms in the face of drastic decline in rainfall, to the impacts of climate change on the coastal communities of Somoa.”

The T4RA DVD and online compilation has been produced with the assistance of HiVOS, in collaboration with Friends of the Earth, Glow Alliance and Javin.

Join the EngageMedia team and our special guests at Nasi Goreng Kemang, Jakarta, for an evening of film, music, dance and fine food.

Where: Nasi Goreng Kemang, Jl. Kemang Utara 1 No. 53, Jakarta
When: Sat, 5 June, 6 – 9pm
Program: Screening T4RA highlights.
Performances by Paperback Writers, VelvetRaqs, Nova + Bellal, Andrew Garton, Jalan Surabaya
Cost: Free

For more information and to download the videos go to:

For interviews please contact: Enrico Aditjondro
+62 8159149515,

EngageMedia works with independent film-makers, video activists, technologists, campaigners and social movements to generate wider audiences for their vital messages and move people to action.

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