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APC’s overriding objective at this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 12 to 15 November, was to promote internet for development. Development of this nature is ultimately about digital inclusion: access, internet governance, financing, human rights, participation in public policy processes, gender equality, ICTs and sustainable development. APC and its many member groups were on the ground in Rio for the second IGF to share their tried-and-tested solutions. They could be found on different panel sessions and workshops, including the opening ceremony where APC executive director Anriette Esterhuysen’s speech garnered some positive attention for its focus on key issues.

APC staff and members advocated for universal and affordable internet access; the reform of international governance mechanisms; the management of critical internet resources; defining internet rights through the IGF to initiate measures to promote capacity building in developing countries.

The IGF is a five year process that began in Athens, Greece, in 2006. The 2008 meeting will take place in India and, Egypt has offered to host the 2009 IGF meeting. The governments of Lithuania and Azerbaijan have made bids for the 2010 meeting.

This special edition of APCNews offers a variety of views and diverse approaches thanks to the collaborative efforts of APC members, partners and staff. New IGF-related content will continue to be posted to,, the APC Blog and on the Latin American ICT policy monitor in the coming days.