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APC at IGF 2014: A roundup of coverage, member reflections, launches and resources

The ninth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Istanbul proved to be a space for activists, academics, policy makers, business leaders and civil society to stir the pot with ideas. APC played a key role in influencing internet governance around the world by leading and participating in more than a dozen workshops and side events with partners, decision makers and stakeholders. With talks on sex, rights and the internet, communications surveillance, public access and the digital age, here is a roundup of what went down at the annual global meeting in September 2014.

View photos of APC at IGF 2014

APC covers IGF 2014

See interviews with members and authors, read reports on events, coverage of women’s rights, and advocacy on internet rights from the IGF to the Human Rights Council.

APC at IGF 2014: Güneş Tavmen on communications regulation in Turkey

APC at IGF 2014: Bishakha Datta on the Feminist Principles of the Internet

Internet censorship, surveillance in Turkey tightens days after IGF concludes in Istanbul

Activists talk censorship and circumvention at Disco-tech Istanbul

Women’s rights at the 2014 IGF

APC at the Human Rights Council 27th session

Reflections from members on IGF 2014

APC members reflect on their experiences as participants of the 9th Internet Governance Forum.

Theresa Tafida, Fantsuam Foundation, Nigeria

Ariel Barbosa, Colnodo, Colombia

Arturo Bregaglio, Radio Viva, Paraguay

Maksud Haque, Bangladesh Friendship Education Society

Nica Dumlao, Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), Philippines

Nica Dumlao, Panel presentation: Inclusive crowdsourcing for internet freedom

APC IGF 2014 Press releases

APC announces its priorities and launches two groundbreaking publications at IGF 2014.

APC leads global discussions on the internet, human rights, access and gender at 2014 Internet Governance Forum

APC launches Feminist Principles of the Internet at 2014 Internet Governance Forum

GISWatch 2014: Communications surveillance in the digital age

APC IGF 2014 Priorities and resources

Resources on what APC set out to achieve at the 9th IGF, who we worked with and where to get more information about themes and events at IGF 2014.

APC’s priorities for the ninth Internet Governance Forum, Turkey, 2014

2014 Internet Governance Forum: APC events and resources

Videos of IGF 2014 sessions

Photos by Elvira Truglia via Flickr, reproduced via a Creative Commons license.

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