APC staff and members will be in San Francisco next week for RightsCon Silicon Valley. The schedule is overflowing with sessions on internet rights, 17 of which are ours! Fifteen member organisations from fourteen countries will be in attendance, including Alternatives (Quebec), BFES (Bangladesh), Bytes for All (Pakistan), Colnodo (Colombia), Derechos Digitales (Chile), Digital Empowerment Foundation (India), EngageMedia (Australia, Indonesia), eQualitie (Quebec), Fundación REDES (Bolivia), KICTANet (Kenya), Instituto DEMOS (Guatemala), May First/People Link (US), Media Matters for Democracy (Pakistan), Sulá Batsú (Costa Rica) and Women of Uganda Network (Uganda). Subscribe to our Twitter list.
See the APC Network schedule of events below. You can sync this schedule with your iCal using this URL: http://rightscon.sched.org/m82.ics
March 29, Tuesday |
2:00pm — 6:30pm |
Encuentro Latinoamericano de Sociedad Civil Pre RightsConPre-RightsCon Latin American civil society meeting |
March 30, Wednesday |
12:00pm — 1:15pm |
Blogging Ideology: Consequences of religious expression in South AsiaAPC members: Media Matters for Democracy, Bytes for All |
2:30pm — 3:45pm |
Hardly a Laughing Matter: Could Sexist Humor Amount to Dangerous Speech?APC members: Bytes for All |
2:30pm — 3:45pm |
Online Threats against Women: Case studies in Colombia and Costa RicaAPC members: Colnodo, Sulá Batsú |
4:00pm — 5:00pm |
The political economy of the zero-rating debate in the developing world - what are the stakes?APC members and staff: Derechos Digitales, Valeria Betancourt |
March 31, Thursday |
9:00am — 10:15am |
Online Hate Speech: Identification and StrategiesAPC staff: TBD. |
9:00am — 10:15am |
Real Access for Women Online - Connecting the next BillionsAPC members and staff: WOUGNET, Kictanet, Deborah Brown, Valeria Betancourt |
9:00am — 10:15am |
Free the Speech: New Tech for Secure CommunicationsAPC member: eQualitie |
2:30pm — 3:45pm |
Do it yourself! Can the next billion build its own Internet connectivity?APC members: Digital Empowerment Foundation |
2:30pm — 3:45pm |
Driving a Paradigm Shift toward Human Rights-respecting Cybersecurity policy by designAPC staff: Mallory Knodel |
4:00pm — 5:00pm |
Big Brother and its Corporate TwinAPC members: Bytes for All, Digital Empowerment Foundation, Media Matters for Democracy |
5:15pm — 6:15pm |
Protest, Privacy, and the Private sectorAPC members and staff: Digital Empowerment Foundation, Deborah Brown |
5:15pm — 6:15pm |
Never underestimate domain names policiesAPC members: Rafik Dammak |
April 1, Friday |
10:30am — 11:45am The Bridge |
TPP: Is Trade Policy Putting Digital Rights At Risk?APC members: Derechos Digitales |
4:00pm — 5:00pm The Hub |
Applying Rights-Respecting Policy: Hub Table SessionsAPC members: Derechos Digitales |
4:00pm — 5:00pm The Nest |
Zero Rating: “Access for all” Or Curbing Freedom of Expression?APC members: Digital Empowerment Foundation |
5:15pm — 6:15pm The Hub |
Networks and Networking: Hub Table SesionsAPC members: May First/People Link |
5:15pm — 6:15pm The Hub |
Big data and consumer surveillanceAPC members: Sulá Batsú |
5:15pm — 6:15pm The Demo Room |
Technology for Media SafetyAPC members: Media Matters for Democracy. |