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Making a Feminist Internet: Movement Building in a Digital Age is the focus of an event taking place between 3 and 6 October in Port Dickson, Malaysia. 

APC is collaborating with Mama Cash, CREA, FRIDA, Urgent Action Fund, Astraea and EMPOWER Malaysia to organise this four-day event, which will bring together more than 80 participants, mainly feminist activists from different regions and backgrounds, to reflect, question, imagine and create by asking ourselves and each other: How is movement building in a digital age expressed in different locations? What are the connective junctures of shared concerns, needs and learnings? How do we strengthen safety and agency in the face of online gender-based violence, censorship and surveillance? How do we engage with the internet through a politics and practice of feminism? 

Movement building is happening through lateral and diffused organising and collective imagination, co-creation and action by multiple nodes in a vast network of agents for change. We are witnessing the shifting terrain of our movements, and the fluidity of spaces for our political acts of expression, occupation, re-territorialisation, solidarity and resistance. Internet technologies have become stitched into the landscape of our organising and politics of engagement. But this landscape is rapidly changing, with new opportunities, horizons, possibilities, and also challenges.

Participants will be working in two tracks to discuss deepening understanding of movement building in a digital age and hacking digital security for stronger and more resilient movements.

Do you share our vision of locating our activism and work towards creating change through movements? And, do you do this formally or informally through collectives, coalitions, social media, organisations, or as a node that connects between several different issue-based movements? Join us in unboxing and re-imagining movement building in the digital age, and to make a feminist internet that is threaded through our collective work for change. 

For further news on the event you can follow the #feministinternet hashtag on Twitter and the Twitter handles @takebackthetech and @GenderITorg. Selected participants can contact and for press enquiries contact using the prefix MFI17 in the subject-line.