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Internet Universality Indicators: What are they? How are they going to be used? Will they be able to influence policy?

UNESCO’s project to define Internet Universality Indicators aims to build a framework of indicators that can be used to assess levels of achievement, in individual countries, of the four fundamental "ROAM" principles included in the Internet Universality concept:

R – that the internet is based on human Rights
O – that it is Open
A – that it should be Accessible to all
M – that it is nurtured by Multistakeholder participation

The indicators will be developed through an extensive programme of desk research and consultation, where as much input as possible is needed.

Do you want to know more? Join @apc_news, @unesco and others on Twitter on 19 October from 12:00 to 13:00 UTC to discuss Internet Universality Indicators with @GuyBerger, Director of Freedom of Expression and Media Development at UNESCO. Hashtag: #InternetUniversality.