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This year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will take place from 12 to 14 November at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. The overall theme of the event is “Internet of Trust”. 

We are heading to Paris to capture the activities and highlights of #IGF2018, and we hope to see you there. 

You can start by checking Social Media at the 13th IGF. For specific APC activity coverage, here are some guidelines to effectively cover the event:

Social media

If you use Twitter:

  • The official handle for the IGF is @intgovforum. The hashtag is #IGF2018.

  • There will be session-specific hashtags (make sure you check the IGF schedule for the session ID). Additionally, participants often use thematic, descriptive hashtags to encourage conversation around specific issues. In the case of APC, this includes #Discotech, #FeministInternet and #AfricanInternetRights among others. Feel free to share your own in advance for more engagement.

  • @apc_news is APC’s official Twitter account. We also tweet from project accounts such as @takebackthetech / @dominemoslasTIC and @genderITorg / @genderITorges. We have an APC staff Twitter list where you can follow people working at APC, and an APC members Twitter list with all the members of our network.

  • Tweet in different languages. Even if it seems that English drives most of the conversation, feel free to take the initiative and tweet in other languages. This will connect the global setting of the IGF with its relevant regional and local implications.

If you take photos:

  • We encourage you to send them to our APC Flickr group where we have a big archive of internet governance images: We will license them under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) and share them with our networks.

  • Please remember that being photographed or filmed can entail security and privacy issues, so make sure to get consent from people before taking their photo, as well as to get consent of people appearing in photos and videos before publishing them. 

If you make videos:

  • Feel free to ask our APC staff and members for interviews, highlights on their sessions, etc., and we will schedule a meeting to organise it. You can do this by emailing one of our on-site media contacts: or

  • You can also contact APC if you would like us to interview you or feature your session, activities and other IGF-related work.

  • As with photos, remember to get consent before filming and disseminating.

If you blog:

  • Think of your priorities and write a thematic blog (check our priorities for inspiration, to be published soon).

  • Write your blog post during the IGF while your ideas are still fresh, to use the drive of the event and avoid losing the momentum.

  • Share why you attended this event, display a powerful image or memory to put us on the scene and set the tone. See some examples from our AfriSIG alumni here. Think multimedia: images, videos, messages that complement or illustrate what you are sharing are very enriching.

  • Link: Add links to relevant IGF resources, speakers' profiles, additional resources… See IGF publications and resources here.

  • Live blog: You can use your notes from a live session and publish them directly, after a quick language-check. Those sort of immediate, lively reports are quite popular among APC followers.

  • If you want APC to publish your blog post, you can email it to or It will be edited by our communications team and featured on

Also check out:

Media contacts: and