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The 17th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place from 28 November to 2 December 2022 in a hybrid format, with some participants attending the event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and others joining remotely. The overarching theme was "Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future".

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) network mobilised significantly and participated in several sessions. Here are some highlights from our participation this year.

APC statement at the opening of the 2022 Internet Governance Forum

Monday, 28 November 
Harass me not

The session aimed to identify the forms of harassment that take place online especially at the intersection of women and marginalised communities. How identity and the victim's relation to that identity is used by harassers. Further, the session will discuss the role of state actors and online platforms in creating safe spaces online.

Tuesday, 29 November
COVID-19: Changes to digital rights priorities and strategies - Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch) 2021-2022 launch

We joined together in large numbers to celebrate the launch of the 2021-2022 edition of GISWatch on “Digital futures for a post-pandemic world”. You can download the full report now.


Data justice India report: Book launch

Our member Digital Empowerment Foundation held a launch session for the Data Justice India report.


Assessing citizen engagement into the Global Digital Compact

This open forum was co-organised by APC and saw participants sharing experiences, stories and lessons learned.

Wednesday, 30 November
Connectivity and digital rights: A view from the global South

Organised by Jokkolabs Banjul, this session saw a full room tackling big questions like, “How are we getting people in the different communities to become part of these conversations, to create revenue, growth, better conditions for their constituencies?”

Afro-feminist AI governance: Challenges and lessons

Pollicy explored Afro-feminist AI governance by explaining that “the risks posed by AI technologies disproportionately  affect certain groups, women, people with disabilities and so we have to conceptualise and define harm.”

Lessons learned from capacity building in the global South

APC, Rhizomatica and others led this session that included the presentation of the guide "Technological autonomy as a constellation of experiences".

Internet and the environment: Beyond connectivity

Staff from APC and CITAD introduced the Dynamic Coalition on Environment (DCE) to the IGF community, provided background on its history and perspectives for the way forward.


Perils and opportunities of data integration for security

This session was organised by TEDIC and looked at building a sustainable future for the internet and the trade-offs around security, privacy and data protection.

Who's watching the machines? New tech, gender, race and sexuality

In the Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, staff from APC, KICTANet and Point of View explored topics from resilience to the nuance of our lived experiences.


LEXOTA - Laws on Expression Online: Tracking and analysing responses to online disinformation in Sub-Saharan Africa

CIPESA and PROTEGE QV spoke in this lightning talk looking at a powerful online tool that helps assess whether government responses to disinformation are human rights-respecting.

Thursday, 1 December
Social justice during rapid datafication

EngageMedia organised a stimulating session grounded in their recent report on data justice.



Platform regulation: Perspectives from the global South

APC, Intervozes and others co-organised this session looking at content moderation policies, practices and regulatory principles as well as how to ensure that regulations are aligned with international human rights standards.

Platform responsibilities for journalist digital safety

APC co-organised this session exploring digital safety threats against journalists, the responsibilities of digital platforms to respond to these challenges, and what regulatory frameworks could help.


Policy network on meaningful access session

APC spoke at this session that discussed the importance of not only connecting to the internet but, just as critically, people’s experiences once online.

Main session: Connecting all people and safeguarding human rights

We saw APC moderating this Main Session that emphasised that freedom of expression and safety online are not in contradiction.

Friday, 2 December
Financial mechanisms for locally owned internet networks

Rhizomatica and APC spoke at this session exploring ways to support universal meaningful connectivity.


Enabling a safe internet for women and girls

Pollicy organised this powerful session that discussed how to achieve the twin digital rights imperatives of meaningful safe connectivity and accountability in Africa.

Towards an internet governance for gender and environmental justice

Drawing together a truly dynamic ensemble of speakers from APC, Derechos Digitales, KICTANet, Pollicy and others, this workshop discussed the future of internet governance as a key development agenda.


Security for whom?: Manifestations of weakened encryption

Finally, in this open forum co-organised by APC associate Mallory Knodel, we touched on different manifestations of attempts to undermine encryption globally.



Cover image: Daniel Getachew/The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)