The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a United Nations intergovernmental body dedicated to the promotion of gender, equality and the empowerment of women. The outcomes and recommendations of each CSW session are forwarded to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for follow-up.
This year CSW68 will take place from 11-22 March, during which representatives of UN Member States, civil society organisations and UN entities will gather at the UN’s New York headquarters. CSW’s 2024 priority theme is “accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective,” while the review theme is "social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls".
APC’s Women’s Rights Programme has actively engaged in CSW for the past 30 years as it has been one of the most important spaces for international advocacy on women’s rights, for drafting international legal instruments and for contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. One key participation objective of APC this year us to help re-frame the priority theme away from "addressing poverty" and "strengthening institutions" to the shifting of power structures as well as respect for and full realisation of women’s and people’s rights. Some other objectives include advocating solidarity with Palestine and building awareness of the Feminist Principles of the Internet as a framework for women’s rights, sexual rights and feminist movements to engage with digital technologies from their perspectives and locations.
The APC network will be actively participating in various sessions at CSW68 as well as at side and parallel events. We invite you to browse the schedule below and add sessions of interest to your calendar.
Monday, 11 March
How is backlash weakening institutional contexts for gender justice globally?
08:30 – 14:00 EST (13:30 – 19:00 UTC) / Online
WOUGNET participating
Collective action to address technology-facilitated gender-based violence: A call to action
09:00 – 14:00 EST (14:00 – 19:00 UTC) / Japan Society
APC co-organising
[Invitation only]
Tuesday, 12 March
Responding to anti-rights developments in multilateral and regional spaces
14:00 – 18:00 EST (19:00 – 23:00 UTC) / Blue Gallery
APC co-organising, AWID participating
[Invitation only]
Wednesday, 13 March
WHRDs and feminist perspectives on challenging economic oppression and poverty
08:30 – 10:00 EST (13:30 – 15:00 UTC) / Salvation Army
APC co-organising
Our Voices Our Futures – ARTivism in action at the CSW
12:00 – 20:00 EST (17:00 – 01:00 UTC) / Blue Gallery
APC co-organising
Thursday, 14 March
Perpetrator research and evaluation framework workshops
08:30 – 12:00 EST (13:30 – 17:00 UTC) / Scandinavia House and Online
TEDIC co-organising
Our Voices Our Futures – ARTivism in Action at the CSW
12:00 – 20:00 EST (17:00 – 01:00 UTC) / Blue Gallery
APC co-organising
Gendered digital experiences: Women’s resilience through a global pandemic
14:00 – 16:00 EST (19:00 – 21:00 UTC) / UNDP Office
APC participating
Friday, 15 March
Women’s rights and choices in a digital world: Why we need a feminist Global Digital Compact (Parallel Event)
09:00 – 12:00 EST (14:00 – 17:00 UTC) / Scandinavia House
Derechos Digitales, Pollicy, APC and other partners co-organising
Women’s rights and choices in a digital world: Why we need a feminist Global Digital Compact (High-Level Side Event)
13:00 – 15:00 EST (18:00 – 20:00 UTC) / Scandinavia House
Derechos Digitales, Pollicy, APC and other partners co-organising
Tuesday, 19 March
Finance feminist tech for the gender equal world we want
16:30 EST (21:30 UTC) / Church Center for the United Nations
Numun Fund and APC co-organising.