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Of all the many bytes emerging out of Athens and the IGF, this one made the most sense to me: Piracy creates jobs, but [Free Software and] Open Source and Open Standards create opportunity, create entrepreneurs. And I think that’s the challenge for the href=“”>IGF as well, how to look at it is a public interest forum, the
Internet is a public space
, and how can we facilitate maximum sharing, maximum creativity, peer production, new models, innovation.
Anriette Esterhuysen, at the Internet Governance Forum, Athens, November 1, 2006
Of all the many bytes emerging out of Athens and the IGF, this one made the most sense to me: Piracy creates jobs, but [Free Software and] Open Source and Open Standards create opportunity, create entrepreneurs. And I think that’s the challenge for the href=“”>IGF as well, how to look at it is a public interest forum, the
Internet is a public space
, and how can we facilitate maximum sharing, maximum creativity, peer production, new models, innovation.
Anriette Esterhuysen, at the Internet Governance Forum, Athens, November 1, 2006