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From Dalgun in South Korea, we get access to links to Korean feminism websites. From a feminism portal site, to an English-language site, and ones that give you access to community radio and webrings of feminist bloggers… there’s quite some diversity coming out here. Watch this space.
Dalgun offers some links to Korean feminism websites. She says modestly: “My English is not so good. So (at the Bangaldesh APC consultation held in April 2006), I did not talk about the Korean case at the session on integrating gender in ICTs”.

But she has given a very useful and eloquent listing of links from Korea.

There’s, which is a feminism portal site. It provides an online-cafe, a web-zine, and a blog (“a room of my own”).

Then, is an English-language site. If you’re looking out for a feminism online journal, go to

you’ll get access to a community radio program, about feminism issue. And
is a community radio program, about the lesbian community. is a webring of feminist bloggers. Says Dalgun: “I’m one of co-managers.” Meanwhile, is a blog of ‘mi-ring’. Dalgun says: “We suggest blogging themes once a month, and then members ping trackback. We also plan
to have a meta-blog.”

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