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Palestinian Digital Rights Study Group: Big Tech and Genocide

Launch of the TFGBV Shared Research Agenda

Interview with OCF on their 10th anniversary: “A small change, like beginning with a single patch in open source, can strengthen the entire structure"

Episodio Especial - Tz’ikin: La fiesta radial en el Bootcamp en Guatemala

The machine that fosters shame: The weaponisation of sexuality in anti-gender anti-democracy disinformation

APC network in Taiwan: DRAPAC24 and APrIGF

The Full Picture survey

CryptPad on how it balances accessibility and privacy for secure digital collaboration

Statement on safeguarding digital freedoms and fundamental rights in Bangladesh amid ongoing protests

GISWatch at the APC Community Gathering: “A continuity of perspectives”

Seeding change: Celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community while defending rights and promoting digital security

¿Cuál es el precio de nuestra mirada?

APC glossary

This Feminist internet Life

More together at the 2024 APC Community Gathering

Photo essay: Discover how the collective building of Hello Hubs is bridging the digital divide in Nigeria

Placing "gender" in disinformation

Launch of GISWatch 2024 special edition! WSIS+20: Reimagining horizons of dignity, equity and justice for our digital future

Más idénticas no significa más iguales

Third launch of FIRN project: Global South feminist perspective into technology-facilitated gender-based violence

Feminist #TechJoy! nurtures networks of safety and trust through small grants

We are hiring: Administrative coordinator for the Sustaining Defenders through Feminist Holistic Security project

Webinar: Palestinian feminist voices: Atrocities propaganda and gendered disinformation

Upcoming webinar on The Silencing Act: Journalism in Palestine