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A framework for developing gender-responsive cybersecurity policy: Literature review

[Podcast] Stories of Resilience: Daughters of the Horn

On Holding Half the Sky: Stories of Resilience

Community networks newsletter: More than digital inclusion

The hidden codes that shape our expression

Hedone e-zine: Infusing pleasure

Women's Community Radio: How Islanders And Mountain Residents Are Coping With The Impact Of Covid-19 in Rural Indonesia

Affordable internet for everyone: A village in South Africa leaps across the digital divide

Mosaics & Mirrors: Insights and practices of feminist co-leadership

Local sound bites

Global Information Society Watch 2021-2022: Digital futures for a post-pandemic world

Alaa Abdel-Fattah’s life at serious risk

Articulating digital and environmental justices: A North-South conversation

Seeding change: Times of “technostress” call for increased mental health self-care

GISWatch 2021-2022 Sneak Peek!

APC Annual Report 2021

Join us on #EcoThursday starting in October

Seeding change: Communities mobilise open data to challenge oil industry pollution in Nigeria

Hate Speech on Social Media Platforms in the Palestinian Context

Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet infrastructure

Designing domestic work platforms in India

Mirror, Mirror on the Phone: How Social Media Beauty Filters Impact South Asian Women

Facebook and privacy in the post-Roe era

Towards a new feminist principle of the internet on the environment: Two new publications now available in English