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Joomla means in Swahili (Urdu) “all together” and to a certain extend they have been living up their name of being a system that is end-user friendly, developer friendly and also takes care of the design of your website and the way a content management system should work.
Designers will choose Joomla because of the amazing capabilities that its engine has in making websites look fantastic. Newcomers to Joomla (and website management) will love the fact that it is very easy to use and even customize as more and more developers create tools that are easier to understand. Developers, likewise, will choose the system because of its large capacity for development and customization. The new MVC framework was built just so that anyone with the knowledge could override the core of the CMS without actually modifying the original code.
But it is not as flexible for developers as Drupal is and it not as user-friendly as Wordpress. It can not run multisites from one backend database, and parts of the system have to be taken as is and can not be customized or modified. In other words, you need lo learn the limitations as you are sometimes caught in between a developers platform and modules that are in essence self-contained.
Joomla claims to be user friendly, and to a certain extend it is, but you need to go through a leaning curve of Joomla specific proprietary code and unless you are a developer or a designer or both, that willingness is often lacking.
So, trying to be the all together for the web site building community, Joomla has also the risk of being caught in between Drupal and Wordpress. People who want simplicity will go to Wordpress, and through developers who love to develop and code will go for Drupal.
Joomla Advantages
Friendly for most types of users – Designers, Developers and Administrators, but not Content Managers or end-users.
Huge community is awesome for assisting with creation of websites
Has been rapidly growing and improving itself for the past years
Joomla Cons
Still not user-friendly enough for everyone to understand
Not quite as powerful as Drupal, and can be a bit confusing for some to jump into
Recently rebuilt the entire system from ground-up, and so there are still many out there sticking to the old versions.

content management system
online website builder
free websites online

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