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This guide was developed by The Association for Progressive Communications APC1 for the project Impact 2.0 - New mechanisms for linking research and policy. The development was supported by Fundación Comunica.

The guide is aimed towards providing the national focal points in Peru, Uruguay and Ecuador with guidelines for how Web 2.0 tools can be used to facilitate participatory policy making process.

The main issues that the guide addresses are:

− How researchers can effectively and strategically use new information and communication technologies (ICTs), specifically Web 2.0 tools, to publish and publicise their research processes and findings so that they can reach policy makers and activists.

− How researchers can use Web 2.0 tools to establish links with policy makers and other stakeholders involved in their issues.

− How researchers can use Web 2.0 tools to encourage discussion and / or debate on issues based on their research findings.


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