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APC members and staff will be participating at this year’s Internet Governance Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan from 6-9 November 2012. The proposed main theme for the meeting is: “Internet Governance for Sustainable Human, Economic and Social Development.” Once again, APC is taking a leadership role by hosting and participating in a variety of workshops throughout the week.

Pre-event, “From deadlock to dialogue: Enhanced cooperation in internet governance”

On November 5 2012, APC will be co-hosting a pre-event aimed at enabling frank and constructive dialogue on enhanced cooperation in internet governance. This event will be held at the Baku Convention Centre from 10.30 – 17.30. For more information and to register visit or email igf-pre-event [at]

Workshops and sessions

Download a complete schedule of APC activities here.

APC as organiser, co-organiser, or co-sponsor

- WS91: Technology, economic and societal opportunities and women
Organised by ICC BASIS, the Government of Kenya and APC.

- WS 123: Human rights, internet policy and the public policy role of ICANN
Organised by APC, CTS/FGV, and NCUC.

- WS 138: Internet and human rights: Shared values for sound policies
Organized by ISOC and APC.

- WS 140: The international telecommunication regulations and internet governance: Multistakeholder perspectives
Organised by Media Change and Innovation Division, Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland and The Internet Society.

- WS152: What does it take? Mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability in internet governance negotiations
Organised by HIVOS and APC.

APC as a speaker in main sessions

- Managing critical internet resources – Anriette Esterhuysen (panelist)

- Access and diversity – Jac sm Kee (panelist)

- Taking stock and moving forward – Avri Doria (moderator) and Joy Liddicoat

APC as a speaker

- WS59: Internet privacy and freedom of expression: UNESCO launches a global survey on legal frameworks
Organised by UNESCO, Global Partners Associates, Council of Europe, and Article 19.
Speaker: David Souter

- WS91: Technology, economic and societal opportunities and women
Organised by ICC BASIS, APC, and the Government of Kenya.
Speaker: Avri Doria (substantive rapporteur)

- WS96: The internet of humans: Online behaviour and IG policy impacts
Organised by DiploFoundation.
Speaker: Alex Comninos

- WS 123: Human rights, internet policy and the public policy role of ICANN
Organised by APC, NCUC, and CTS/FGV.
Speakers: Joy Liddicoat and Avri Doria

- WS128: Empowering internet users – Which tools?
Organised by the Council of Europe The Internet Rights & Principles Coalition.
Speaker: Joy Liddicoat

- WS138: Internet and human rights: Shared values for sound policies
Organised by ISOC and APC.
Speakers: Avri Doria and Joy Liddicoat (discussant)

- WS142: Inclusive innovation for development: The contribution of the internet and related ICTs
Organised by OECD, ISOC, BIAC, and with contributions from CSISAC.
Speaker: Anriette Esterhuysen

- WS145: Threats to multi-stakeholder internet governance – Is it worth protecting?
Organised by Internet Rights and Principles Coalition and Global Partners & Associates and Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Speaker: Anriette Esterhuysen

- WS163: Governing identity and the internet
Organised by Citizen Lab and ISOC.
Speaker: Mawaki Chango

- WS173: Cybersecurity that achieves privacy and civil liberties
Organised by Liesyl Franz and Packet Clearing House.
Speaker: Yara Sallam (TBC)

- Africa IGF
Organised by UNECA, AUC, and FOSSFA.
Speaker: Emilar Vushe (panelist)

- Side session: Open government partnership & IGP reciprocal learning
Organised by OGP and HIVOS.
Speaker: Anriette Esterhuysen (panelist)

Other Initiatives

- Best bits pre-event (3 and 4 November)

- Expression online pre-event: Human rights and internet governance must go hand in hand (5 November 2012)

- On 7 November in Room 9 at 12:30 local time, APC and the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries will launch the 2012 edition of Global Information Society Watch on the internet and corruption.

- Human rights roundtable. APC as a co-convener (9 November 09.00 – 10.30)

Watch out for us! APC will have a booth with publications, books, and more information.