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Multistakeholder participation and enhanced cooperation seems to be one of the major issue in this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF). With the annual World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT) around the corner and the anxious buzz of whether this is a bid by governments to have more control over the internet through the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs) and International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the proposals for new governing bodies like the UN Committee on Internet Related Policies (CIRP) and the discussions on “enhanced cooperation” by the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) in May earlier this year – maybe not surprising.

Anyway, I attended the pre-IGF meeting co-organised by ICC-BASIS, ISOC and APC on this called: “From deadlock to dialogue: Enhanced cooperation in internet governance.” It was very interesting, although I also wondered how hard it must be to follow the discussions if someone hasn’t already been following some of the developments and discussions on other lists and spaces. The only reason I was able to follow some of this was because…

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