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Gbenga SesanGbenga SesanGbenga Sesan, executive director of Paradigm Initiative Nigeria, joined this year’s African School on Internet Governance as a member of the faculty team, and highlighted the contribution it is making to capacity building on internet governance in the region.

APCNews: What is your general impression about the school?

Gbenga Sesan: The school is an important part of the capacity- building process to get more African civil society actors more knowledgeable about internet governance and I think it’s fulfilling a major need. The fact that this is now being replicated in Kenya demonstrates the huge gap being filled by the school.

APCNews: How do you see the involvement of the participants in this edition?

GS: I think the practicum forces everyone to participate and listen attentively during the sessions, since understanding the session topics helps various groups with their tasks.

APCNews: What do you think went well this year?

GS: Beyond the practicum and sessions, I observed that networking started very early for the group, and I imagine this has a lot to do with the fact that they had one through an online process that made the physical school look like a continuation of an existing social interaction. This is very useful for learning and for the practicum, and should be continued in future editions.

APCNews: What you can recommend for an even better edition next year?

GS: An early announcement of the date will help with logistics, but since the practicum date depends on the African Internet Governance Forum, I wonder how this can be done. Announcing at least four to six months in advance allows for better selection and also for selected participants to process the required visas, etc., and avoid the likelihood of delays.

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