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Initiated in 2006, the campaign Take Back the Tech! in Bosnia and Herzegovina has greatly contributed to raising awareness of how ICTs are connected to violence against women, and it has strengthened the ICT capacity of women’s rights advocates, while creating original and varied content. At the same time, BiH Take Back the Tech! and their campaigners have worked actively on building a community to strategize around eliminating violence against women through digital platforms. This year, along with other local teams across the globe, the BiH team of campaigners is marking the 10th anniversary of activities on advancing advocacy and priority issues on technology related violence against women. I have been following this teams’ activism through these years. Certainly the most passionate voice about gender justice and women’s rights in the ICT field in BiH that I have had the honour to meet and work with is Valentina Pellizzer. Vale, as she is also known, is the global coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina Take Back the Tech! campaign. In this interview, I asked Vale to share her experiences and the advocacy that their team has generated in the past ten years.

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