APC will be joining the organisations, tech companies, universities, startups and governments from 95 countries attending the 2017 RightsCon taking place in Brussels, Belgium, on 29-31 March. Check out session highlights here as well as those that we are involved in to contribute to the debate on the intersection of technology and human rights.
For session descriptions and other information, view the full programme (PDF).
Wednesday, 29 March
12:00 – Algorithms, memory and oblivion in Latin America. Room: Inspiration. APC member involved: Derechos Digitales.
14:30 – Civil society in the global digital policy agenda: Update on the G20 process and setting the way forward 2017-2018. Room: Inspiration. APC speaking.
16:00 – Walking the cyber talk: How successful have we been in building a global, multistakeholder culture of cybersecurity? Room: Harmony. APC co-organising.
Thursday, 30 March
9:00 – A dangerous union: State and corporate partnership and what it means for civil liberties. Room: Creativity & Exploration. APC member involved: Media Matters for Democracy.
10:30 – Encryption and safety of journalists in the digital age. Room: Creativity & Exploration. APC speaking.
10:30 – Lightning Talk: Women in Wikipedia: How to organise Wikipedia Edit-a-thons. Room: Palace Ballroom I. APC member involved: Japleen Pasricha.
12:00 – Owning our features: Risks and challenges of the uses of biometric technology in Latin America. Room: Innovation. APC member involved: Derechos Digitales.
13:15 – How to work with a graphic designer: A workshop for activists and civil society organizations. Room: Clarity. APC member involved: Derechos Digitales.
14:30 – A double-edged sword: Economic, social, and cultural rights and the internet. Room: Serenity. Organised by APC.
16:00 – Taking forward the multi-stakeholder debate. Room: Klimt. APC speaking.
16:00 – Side Dish Regulation in Africa: When ICTS are regulated outside the mainstream. Room: Inspiration. APC member involved: KICTANet.
Friday, 31 March
12:00 – Up by law: Strengthening strategies for legal action in the global South. Room: Clarity. APC member involved: Social Media Exchange.
14:30 – Taking #AfricanInternetRights to the next level. Room: Mosaic. Organised by APC.
17:15 – Are naked bodies harmful? Sex, law, and digital rights. Room: Klimt. APC member involved: Point of View.
There’s more to come with a session focusing on the Feminist Principles of the Internet… so stay tuned for updates!
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