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Over 80 people engaged in wildly different kinds of feminist activism across the world gathered together to discuss what does it mean to build movements around feminist principles, women’s rights, sexuality and related issues in the digital age. From the cataclysmic and profoundly loud speaking out that took place spontaneously across varied contexts with #metoo to understanding, owning and building feminist infrastructure, there is a lot that we can do as feminist activists. In this edition we take a peek at the Making a Feminist Internet meeting in Malaysia that took place early October, 2017.

Read this bilingual edition (in English and Spanish with a little Portuguese thrown in)

  • to hear your thoughts reflected and bounced around,

  • to listen and learn from the new and different experiences of other activists, nerds and curious people,

  • to figure out together with others how to grapple with the new questions that we have to ask about accountability, movements, ethics, self-care, organising, expression,

  • to understand the role of remembering and archiving, of telling, finding and constructing the herstory

  • and so much more.

This is a collection of videos, words, stickers, images, thoughts from the makers of a feminist internet.

[EDITORIAL] Making a feminist internet: Movement building in a digital age

Jac sm Kee 
What does movement building look like in a digital age? Even as we are increasingly aware of and dependent on the internet for public engagement and mobilisation of ideas, have networked technologies significantly impacted on the characteristic and sustainability of movements? Jac sm Kee tells us how to think about the present, the memory and herstory of movement building in digital age. 

PodCast Feminist spectrum and infrastructure

Bruna Zanolli, translation by Erika Smith
Bruna Zanolli, the irrepressible Podcat breaks down women, technology, infrastructure and the electromagnetic spectrum, all from a feminist perspective. This podcast is in Spanish and has been translated into English, and is full of music, manifestos and brilliant insight. 

Interview with Lili_Anaz: A body that knows itself knows that together with others it can generate a very strong force to hack any system

Jennifer Radloff
Lili_Anaz (Liliana Zaragoza Cano) is an artist, communicator, photographer, writer and hackfeminist activist whose entire work is a feminist exploration about the crossroads between art, body, memory, resistances, sexuality, human rights, hacking, and free technologies. In this interview with Jennifer Radloff Lili_Anaz speaks about her passions and her work in Mexico. 

Impact for what and for whom? Digital technologies and feminist movement building

Lulú Barrera
Here is a video interview of Srilata Batliwala (CREA, India) done by Lulú Barrera(Luchadoras, Mexico). They talk about movements, feminism, and disruption. This video and the short piece are to be read together as a dialogue between Srilatha Batliwala and “Primavera Violeta” or the Purple Spring. 

Interview with Just Associates Southeast Asia

Fungai Machirori 
Just Associates believes that women who are most affected by the political, economic, environmental and health crises reverberating across the world are on the frontlines of change. In this interview with Fungai Machirori, JASS speaks about the changing nature of activism and how they rise to the challenge put forth by digital movements and tools. 

Journeying through sexuality, activism and the internet

Njeri Gateru
Kenya has few protections for the people within its own country who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or queer. In this article Njeri Gateru traces their journey and that of the organisation National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in Nairobi – the difficulties they have faced and their use of online tools and spaces.

Women’s Gaze: Interview with Ninka Khaindrava

In this interview with Ninka Khaindrava, she talks about the state of activism around women’s rights, labour rights and sexuality in Georgia. Ninka attended the MFI meeting in Malaysia to learn more about activists and their experiences with security and online violence in other parts of the world. 

Amiga, ¡qué hacker!

Constanza Figueroa
Una reflexión sobre amistad, compromiso y activismo feministas reflejado en la creación y el diseño de imágenes y textos para fortalecer la participación en debates y espacios de aprendizaje.