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  • New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners Written and edited by Tricia Cornell, Kate Kelsch and Nicole Palasz and published in 2004 by the New Tactics in Human Rights Project, this workbook promotes tactical innovation and strategic thinking within the international human rights community, including new and innovative approaches to advocacy in challenging environments. The project is coordinated by the Center for Victims of Torture.

  • Amnesty International Campaigning Manual Published by Amnesty International in 1997, this manual remains a classic reference book aiming to pass on the experience of 35 years of Amnesty International campaigning for the protection and promotion of human rights. Although the manual is primarily written for Amnesty International campaigners, it is useful for all involved in human rights advocacy and for people in other campaigning organizations.

  • Now Hear This: The Nine Laws of Successful Advocacy Communications Written by Kristen Wolf and published by Fenton Communications (2001), this pamphlet provides "a strategic marketing and communications perspective" on advocacy with mainly US-based campaign examples.

  • Global Information Society Watch The Global Information Society Watch monitors the implementation and follow-up of key international agreements about ICT policies and their relationship to development, including WSIS and other information and communication policy processes at international, regional and national level.

  • Women of Uganda Network SAVE: Gender and ICT Policy Advocacy Campaigning for Free Expression: A Handbook for Advocates SAVE International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) members handbook published in 2005, with a focus on freedom of expression and advice on how to develop and execute a campaign strategy including campaign tactics, case studies and links to more resources and tools.

  • The Community Tool Box Developed by the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas, The Community Tool Box describes itself as the world's largest resource for free information on essential skills for building healthy communities. It contains a series of six chapters (Part I) on Organizing for Effective Advocacy.

  • Advocacy Tools and Guidelines: Promoting Policy Change This is a manual on advocacy authored by S. Sprechmann and E. Pelton and published by CARE International, 2001. It is designed to familiarise development practitioners and programme managers with key advocacy concepts and techniques. It looks at the most appropriate strategies to influence policy decision-makers. It recognises the frequent need to incorporate advocacy into projects in order to tackle the root causes of problems faced by communities.


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