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In May 2017, a national outcry followed the massive failure recorded in the first fully computer-based test run of the Unified Matriculation Examination of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). This massive failure was a reflection of two
significant features, both of which are related. First, it occurred more in rural areas than urban areas. Secondly, it had a gender dimension, as the failure rates were higher among female students than their male counterparts.

It emerged that the failure was not unconnected with the lack of skills in the use of computers and internet among the students. Indeed, many students confirmed that they were seeing a computer for the first time in the examination hall.

In response, the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) sought to investigate this, focusing on girls' public secondary schools in Kano State as a pilot project. The research, which was supported by a subgrant from the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and conducted between August and November 2017, sought to provide empirical data that can drive advocacy for greater access to the internet for female schools and generally support advocacy for gender digital inclusion.