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AfriSIG African School on Internet Governance

APC Association for Progressive Communications

CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

CHALLENGE Challenging hate narratives and violations of freedom of religion and expression online in Asia

EROTICS Exploring and expanding the work of sexual rights and digital rights activists

FLOSS Free/libre and open source software

FPI Feminist Principles of the Internet

FTX Feminist Tech Exchange

GBV Gender-based violence

GISWatch Global Information Society Watch

HRC Human Rights Council

ICT Information and communication technology

IGF Internet Governance Forum

IMPACT Advocacy for Change through Technology in India, Malaysia and Pakistan

KRA Key result areas

MFI Making a Feminist Internet

NGO Non-governmental organisation

LGBTIQ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex and queer

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

TBTT Take Back the Tech!

UPR Universal Periodic Review

UN United Nations

UNGA United Nations General Assembly

WNSP Women’s Networking Support Programme

WRP Women’s Rights Programme

WSIS World Summit on the Information Society