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What is the project about?

The aim of this project is to build a pilot titled Community-Owned Health Knowledge Infrastructure (COwHKi) using low-cost, open source and locally configurable components for/with a collective of women health entrepreneurs (HEs) trained and supported by the Movement for Alternatives and Youth Awareness (MAYA), in Channapatna, Karnataka, India. Building on ongoing collaborative engagements and using our feminist and situated practice of participatory design, we will utilise the COwHKi to: a) build a community archive of locally rooted and relevant health information, and b) collectively speculate on the possibilities it offers towards both supporting the current and emerging care work of the HEs and enabling other forms of engagement by the community stakeholders with the evolving archive.

Institutions involved:

Movement for Alternatives and Youth Awareness (MAYA), Design Beku and Janastu 


Naveen Bagalkot 

Rekha Arun

Meet the rest of the 2021 grantees!