The United Nation's Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the main global intergovernmental body dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. It is one of the most important spaces for international advocacy on women’s rights as it has been a vital space for the drafting of international legal instruments, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol and global normative and policy frameworks like the Beijing Platform for Action.
The 68th annual meeting of the CSW (CSW68) is taking place from March 11th to 22nd in New York City. APC’s Women’s Rights Programme (WRP) has actively engaged in CSW for the last 30 years, effectively contributing to the success of this space. See the APC's network's schedule of events for details about our participation this year. Here are some essential resources and reads to help you investigate, discuss and question some of the issues APC will be exploring this year at CSW68.
Shifting power structures
- HRC 50: Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council
- Gender, tech and the role of business: APC submission to the UN Human Rights B-Tech Project call for inputs
- Not My AI: A feminist framework to challenge algorithmic decision-making systems deployed by the public sector
- Feminist Tech Exchange: Storytelling
- The feminist principles for including gender in the GDC
- Bringing a gender justice lens to the UN's Global Digital Compact
- Joint submission to the Global Digital Compact on gender
Technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV)
- Global attention to technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV): Feminist Perspectives
- APC submission on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, in relation to the human rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly
- Why feminist research is necessary to address technology-facilitated gender-based violence: Recommendations and way forward
- Policy recommendations from FIRN research
- The Left Out Project: The case for an online gender-based violence framework inclusive of transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse experiences
Feminist principles of the internet
Responding to gender justice backlash
- Hacking hate
- Feminist frontiers in freedom of expression online
- Brazilian feminist responses to online hate speech: Seeing online violence through an intersectional lens
- The Hidden Codes that Shape Our Expression: Understanding How Social Media Algorithms Obstruct Feminist Expression and How Malaysian Women Navigate the Challenges
- The holistic approach: Exploring women’s online freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Feminist infrastructures
- Infrastructures of resistance: Community networks hacking the global crisis
- Cultivating a feminist community network: Reflections of practices in the quilombo of Ribeirão Grande/Terra Seca
- Feminist Tech Exchange: Gincana Monstra - opening the code
- Podcast: Making a feminist internet 2022
We encourage you to follow our social media for updates and feel free to reach out with any questions or comments at commscsw68[AT]apc.org!