“Through its propaganda, Israel is aiming to break Palestinian souls, to break us as human beings.” These were the words of one of the speakers at the webinar “Palestinian Feminist Voices: Atrocities Propaganda and Gendered Disinformation”, which was co-hosted by Noor and two APC Women's Rights Programme initiatives, the Take Back the Tech! campaign and GenderIT, on 14 March 2024. These discussions illustrated the weaponisation of atrocities propaganda and gendered disinformation that, amidst the inhuman murder and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, Israel is employing to target every one of over 14 million Palestinians around the world.
Six Palestinian feminist activists – human rights defenders, academics, researchers and content creators – shared how they are experiencing and consistently challenging Israeli atrocities propaganda on the internet, and highlighting Palestine’s history and decades of settler colonialism and theft of their land.
Moderated by Islam Al Khatib, a Palestinian researcher working with Noor, and co-facilitated by GenderIT editor Hija Kamran, the webinar aimed to explore the impact of weaponisation of social media platforms and advanced technology like artificial intelligence by Israeli propaganda machinery on Palestinians around the world, especially Palestinian women.
Continue reading at GenderIT.org.
Image: Illustration by Ward Zaraa for GenderIT.