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Says Amnesty International: "Independent journalist Guillermo Fariñas has been staging a hunger strike since 31 January 2006 to obtain access to internet for all Cubans. Internet remains under governmental control, accessible only through official organizations or at hotels from where Cuban nationals are normally barred".
A report on the human’s right situation in Cuba by Amnesty International says:

"Independent journalist Guillermo Fariñas has been staging a hunger strike since 31 January 2006 to obtain access to internet for all Cubans. Internet remains under governmental control, accessible only through official organizations or at hotels from where Cuban nationals are normally barred".

Fariñas present condition is very weak. He has been fed intravenously and keeping him alive has required an operation. It is unfortunate, but he may become the first world martyr to the cause of freedom of use of the internet.

Amnesty International’s report
