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Valentina of Unimondo-South East Europe wrote to APC to tell us that stories from the blogs are being translated into Macedonian, and other languages. She sent some URLs.
Valentina of Unimondo-South East Europe wrote to APC to tell us that stories from the blogs are being translated into Macedonian, and other languages. She sent some URLs. She said (I hope she won’t mind me posting it here :)

"Hi … I wanted to let you know that owsee is having APC on homepage and doing a translation of some of the articles, blog that you are so bravely and interestingly doing.

Here the links:

then in the news section of each edition you can find more ;-))


I tried to get her to post here but I think that there was a misunderstanding. Maybe now she will answer and tell us a bit more about the languages and who might be reading in SEE.

One World South Eastern Europe