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The Public Voice, an international civil society coalition, will discuss: global privacy standards in a global world during its conference on November 3 2009, in Madrid Spain, to be held in conjunction with the 31st Annual International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners.

Prominent advocates and experts from the academic, consumer, digital rights and labor communities will discuss with public officials and the business sector how to raise privacy awareness in the global community; and how to promote civil society participation in decision making processes towards the adoption of better privacy and data protection standards globally.

The conference will first review recent privacy and human rights developments and major privacy activism campaigns around the world. Stavros Lambrinidis, vice-president of the European Parliament, is invited to comment on the most recent developments. 
The conference will also address current challenges raised by emerging technologies and business practices: representatives from civil society and from the business sector will discuss privacy implications of issues such as cloud computing or internet search. It will further address trans-border data flows in the public and private sector, from passenger name records and financial transactions to the outsourcing of personal data.

The final Conference panel will launch the Madrid civil society declaration on global privacy standards; that will be discussed by invited public data protection officials from OECD, the EU Article 29 Working Party, USA and Canada. Peter Hustinx, European data protection supervisor, will provide closing remarks.

The conference is sponsored by the Spanish Data Protection Agency and it is free to all participants. Registration is compulsory. Register NOW or find out more about the programme, registration and practical information. LiveWecast and Twitter Backchannel will also be available.

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