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Workshop 1: A code of good practice on participation, access to information and transparency in internet governance

This workshop is organised jointly with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the Council of Europe. A draft code of practice has been developed in a process which started at the Athens IGF. The workshop will allow different stakeholders an opportunity to discuss the current draft.

Workshop 2: Content regulation, surveillance and sexuality rights

“Harmful content” and “protection” have been anchoring the content regulation debates – at the IGF and in national and regional ICT policy. APC’s women’s programme and the Alternative Law Forum will open this workshop with a video from ONI. We’ll present findings from new exploratory research on sexuality and the internet. Speakers will include young people and women – actors consistently cited as the intended beneficiaries of the content regulation debate.

Global Information Society Watch 2009

For the third consecutive year, APC will launch our watchdog report. Published together with Hivos, this year’s report focuses on access to online information and knowledge to advance human rights and democracy. The report will be launched on Monday November 16 in the evening.

The new APC ICT policy handbook

We’ll be announcing the release in digital format of the second edition of APC’s policy handbook, first launched in 2003 at the Geneva World Summit on the Information Society and now completely rewritten.

We hope you’ll join us at one of the workshops, launches or just drop by our stand.